El beneficio público de las relaciones públicas. Un escenario en el que todos ganan

  • Elisabeth Lewis Jones
Keywords: Chartered Institute of Public Relations; Professional Council of Public Relations of Argentina- Public Relations; Corporate Reputation; Investors Relations; Internal Communication; Marketing Communications; corporate image; organization; communicational management; plans of communication; public; corporate communication ; institutional communication


Next content translated to Spanish reproduces the contents, of the lecture delivered by Elisabeth Lewis Jones in the `First International Conference of Public Relations, organized in occasion of the celebration of the 50º anniversary of the Professional Council of Public Relations of Argentina, in Buenos Aires, the 26th 2008, with the participation of international referring professionals of the industry. Lewis Jones, in his function of President of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR/Institute of Public Relations of Great Britain) reflects about the global and international scene of the public relations, emphasizing their contribution to the social development through the management of an effective communication.


How to Cite
Lewis Jones, E. (2019). El beneficio público de las relaciones públicas. Un escenario en el que todos ganan. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (28), 125 a 130. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi28.1496