La comunicación con el gobierno

  • Hernán Maurette
Keywords: communication plans; communicational management; corporate communication; Government Communications; Governmental Relations; grass root lobbying; Image; Lobbying; Lobbyist; Non Governmental Organizations ; Organization; Public Affairs; Public Relations


The management of the communication with the Government, or Public Affairs, is a specific area of the corporate communication and, like the rest of the communicational practices, presents its particular characteristics. The picture
is made up with the singularities of the sender - that can be a company, a Non Governmental Organization or another type
of institution- and the receiver that normally is the “audience government” although the communicational action goes
also to other specific segments of the governmental public. Thus, from this complex net of variables arises the design of
the communication plan that registers in the area of management of public relations well-known like Relations with the
Government, whose challenges are considered in the present work


Wilcox, D, Cameron G. y Cifra J. (2001). Relaciones Públicas, estrategias y tácticas. 7º edición. Madrid: Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education.

How to Cite
Maurette, H. (2019). La comunicación con el gobierno. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (28), 131 a 134.