Lobby, lobistas y bicicletas

  • Roberto Starke
Keywords: Public Relations; Government Communications; Governmental Relations; Public Affairs; image; organization; communicational management; communication plans; Non Governmental Organizations; lobbying; lobbyist ; grass root lobbying; corporate communication


The present titled article “Lobby, lobbysts and bicycles”, reproduces the content of the participation of the
author in the “Public Relations First International Conference”, organized by the Professional Council of Public Relations
of Argentine- in the frame of its 50º anniversary, which was held in Buenos Aires, on August 26th, 2008. It reflects about
the practice of the lobby, its planning as a management field of action of public relation professionals, its particular characteristics, their regulation frame and the present context composing a parallel with the political activity.


How to Cite
Starke, R. (2019). Lobby, lobistas y bicicletas. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (28), 151 a 153. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi28.1500