Paisaje como recurso ambiental

  • Gabriela Benito
Keywords: Atmosphere; Ecosystem; Nature; Viable; Resilience; vacant land


The modern city would seem to expel the nature until its limit. The substitution of the nature by the city rested,
partly, in an illusion of self-sufficiency and independence and the illusion of the possibility of a physical continuity without a conscious renovation. Under the protective mantle of the city, they were gotten to undermine the bases of social and economic structure not only of the surrounding landscape but also the one of distant regions. Many of the elements provided
by nature, necessary for both the physical and mental balance, began to be scarce within the cities. The progressive urbanization of the ground is related to many conflicts of the contemporary habitat. The public space, fundamental element of
the contemporary urban development, is the scene where collective life of those who inhabit the cities passes daily, and is
there where mainly they are materialized and the relations of being able between their inhabitants are expressed, as well as
its forms of organization. The new foundation of a public space as a polite and civilized place also supposes to recognize
the inexhaustible forms of the nature in the city


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How to Cite
Benito, G. (2019). Paisaje como recurso ambiental . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (30), 131 a 135.