Diseño participativo de espacios verdes públicos

  • Fabio Márquez
Keywords: Communication; dialogue; design; public space; landscape; participation; neighboring


To develop participating design processes is not a merely willful matter. It must be framed in concrete methods
and define clearly the reaches of the wished participation. The effective participating methods are those that establish
mass media between governors and governed and between the own neighbours. A participating process must inclusive
and opened, fomenting tolerance and respect. The participating methodology allows to establish also a pedagogical frame
where participants were able to assume that public space is one for all. For that reason accurate communication channels
must be settle down, in order to allow a dialogue between participants and tools to be able to establish agreements. The
cohesion of the neighbours with the landscapers, offers an added value to fortify that creative fact that it is going to constitute a new urban landscape. Neighbours are fundamental partners for landscape professionals to overturn their technical
knowledge and creativity towards a coherent and functional project to build a democratic society. This design characterizes by a technical treatment of interdisciplinary way and by the real participation of users and neighbours of those spaces;
that is to say, by an involvement that points at the decision making and citizen control.


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How to Cite
Márquez, F. (2019). Diseño participativo de espacios verdes públicos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (30), 157 a 166. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi30.1514