La identidad como proceso de construcción. Reapropiaciones de textualidades isabelinas a la luz de la farsa porteña

  • Ariel Cichello
Keywords: History; identity; Latin America; textualidad


The identity consider like a construction process, is the central subject of this essay. But from its beginning the author indicates that this construction is extremely complex and at the same time struggle two different aspects that integrate themselves, the one of the own identity and the other in relation to the cultural field of the central countries. She makes this analysis from the elizabethan drama that even have not been origined in America they have been very productive in these cultures, generating multiple readings that put in crisis hegemonic models of how they conceive the power, the social and familiar bows. The intention of the article is re- elaborate some appropriations of shakesperian texts to
recreate metaphoric and traumatic moments of Latin American history.


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How to Cite
Cichello, A. (2019). La identidad como proceso de construcción. Reapropiaciones de textualidades isabelinas a la luz de la farsa porteña. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (26), 47-52.