El oído inalámbrico. Diseño sonoro, auralidad y tecnología en el futurismo italiano

  • Norberto Cambiasso
Keywords: Art; aurality; autonomy; futurism; modernism; music; organics; noise; simultaneously; technology transcendence; vanguard


The text places a futurist project of an art made of noises in the threshold of two ages. By a side it inaugurates the
vast field of the aurality that will explore music of 20th century. By the other, it retakes certain ideas, related to
musical autonomy, the purity of the sound and the organic work of art, that were predominant in the esthetics of
the 19th century. For it the relations between noise, music and new auditive reproduction techniques are tracked,
emphasizing in the historical, ideological, philosophical and social transformations that marked the passage to
one age to the other. The study concludes with an evaluation of modernism like a peculiar synthesis of positions
considered antithetical a long time ago.


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How to Cite
Cambiasso, N. (2019). El oído inalámbrico. Diseño sonoro, auralidad y tecnología en el futurismo italiano. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (24), 15 a 22. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi24.1560