La batalla por la forma

  • Máximo Eseverri
Keywords: Art; cinema; cultural industry; esthetics; modernism; music; politics; realism; School of Frankfurt; theatre; Theodor Adorno; vanguard; Walter Benjamin


The constitution of mass society, the place of art in technological world, the apparition of new devices such as
sound cinema, musical mutations in the age of radio and the phonographic record market were just some of the problems that Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin included in their letter exchange in the second half of thirties of the past century. Meanwhile, the between-wars western intellectual world was witness of the hard struggle that took place in the borders of esthetics and politics: the quarrel between realistic y moderns.


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How to Cite
Eseverri, M. (2019). La batalla por la forma. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (24), 23 a 36.