La movilización del ojo electrónico. Fronteras y continuidades en El arca rusa de Alexander Sokurov, o del plano cinematográfico y sus fundamentos (por fin cuestionados).

  • Eduardo A. Russo
Keywords: Art; audiovisual; cinema; digital; hybridization; perception; Sokurov; technology


The work tries to expose some theoretical concepts about transformations in certain practices of performing and
perception affected by the digital mutation of the audio-visual thing. After reviewing the increasing joints between cinematographic image, electronics and digitalis, next to the ruptures and evolutions in the field of an
image increasingly determined by his hybridizations, the theoretical developments are confronted with the analysis of a case that is border in several senses, that it delineates limits and simultaneously draws up to passages of
connection between different territories from the audio-visual image in its contemporary state: The Russian ark,
by Alexander Sokurov.


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How to Cite
Russo, E. A. (2019). La movilización del ojo electrónico. Fronteras y continuidades en El arca rusa de Alexander Sokurov, o del plano cinematográfico y sus fundamentos (por fin cuestionados). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (24), 67 a 72.

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