Ver del video

  • Graciela Taquini
Keywords: Art; cinema; performance; technology; video art


This study goes through the analysis about the constitution of video art both as an artistic-technological support
and as a renewal movement in the field of art. Starting from its origin naming the author explores the experimental and questioning character of video art as specific trend, specially related to dominant opinions and technologies. The study analyses the concept and esthetics sides of video art and its similarities and differences with other
arts, supports and formats. The text goes not only through historic aspects of curator video art but through its
specific present features and challenges as well. In addition, video art situation, referents and works in Argentina
are fully pointed out.


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How to Cite
Taquini, G. (2019). Ver del video. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (24), 73 a 81.