Diseño de Indumentaria Argentino. Darnos a conocer al mundo

  • María Eva Koziner
Keywords: Argentine Clothing Design; Clothing Design; Mercosur


The work investigates the factors that contribute and disturb the development of Argentine Clothing Design, for the purpose of meeting information to make in the future a solid strategy of diffusion. Special factors of Argentine Clothing Design generates barriers or not, in the development of the activity. The investigation explores social and individual actors that makes in the activity with the objective of formulate a diagnostic that helps the development of the field. 
The research work presented has been done within the framework of the Postgraduate Scholarship Program of the Design and Communication Studies Centre of the School of Design and Communication, Universidad de Palermo.


How to Cite
Koziner, M. E. (2019). Diseño de Indumentaria Argentino. Darnos a conocer al mundo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (22), 73 a 76. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi22.1574