De perfumes que brillan y joyas que huelen. Objetos de la moda y talismanes de la fe

  • Diana Avellaneda
Keywords: jewelry; perfume; trends


Taste is changing and fashion is capricious. If clothing confirms certain directions
in society, both fragrances and jewelry are also related to trends. The countries most prestigious in the perfume industry as France and Italy, make initiatives –coauthored perfumer
and designer seems to be one– and traditional jewelry brands are constantly renewed between
rubbers, emeralds and new design philosophies. Argentine designers also pose the same. Not surprisingly Patagonian essences are introduced in the international market (Fueguia 1833)
and an artist from the province of San Luis (Rodrigo Otazu) garnished with jewels the necks
of Madonna, Lady Gaga, and actresses of Sex and the City. Beliefs, syncretism and globalization
add at the time to be orned, seduced and protected. This objectives are as old as incense and
gold, but certainly now turn to the arts interrelation and the search for new talismans for hope.


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How to Cite
Avellaneda, D. (2019). De perfumes que brillan y joyas que huelen. Objetos de la moda y talismanes de la fe. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (44), 27 a 42.