Historias de familia. Retrato, indumentaria y moda en la construcción de la identidad a través de la colección Carlos Fernández y Fernández del Museo Fernández Blanco, 1870-1915

  • Diego Guerra
Keywords: clothing; Fashion; photography; portrait; representation


: In 2010, the Spanish American Art Museum Isaac Fernández Blanco received a
donation from the sisters Fernandez and Fernandez consisting in a lot of wedding dresses and
suits brought together by their grandmother Dominga Nicola from 1870 –date of his own
wedding– and 1930, along with a hundred family photos gathered in two albums, and the
book where Dominga or her daughter scored the marriages of the family in those years. Image,
clothing, and word is articulated in a singular story of rituals and socialization practices of a
middle-class immigrant family in that Buenos Aires at the turn of the century, but also a series
of practices, historically registered, construction and organization of individual identities and
gender roles and their inclusion in the social and cultural network of an era. From the research
task involving the display and appreciation of this heritage, this article analyzes the role of fashion, clothing and portrait photography in the construction of such representations.


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How to Cite
Guerra, D. (2019). Historias de familia. Retrato, indumentaria y moda en la construcción de la identidad a través de la colección Carlos Fernández y Fernández del Museo Fernández Blanco, 1870-1915. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (44), 43 a 58. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.v44i44.1581