Moda y Arte. Campos en intersección

  • María Valeria Tuozzo
  • Paula López
Keywords: abbigliamento; arte applicato; campi; contemporaneo; disegn; esperimentale ; legami; locale; massivo; società


In this paper, we investigate the links between clothing and art, as fields of social practice, and how their intersection at the present time, converges in general design, and particularly in author design. In addition, the concept of mass fashion as cyclical, industrial and ephemeral is analyzed as opposed to art and fashion design –open, experimental and singular.  The article explores also the concepts of clothing field and artists fields. It also presents a timeline of the last fifty years, with a cut of phenomena that show any link between clothing and art, local and contemporary.


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Recursos Electrónicos

Brandazza M. Consultar

Puzzovio, D. Consultar

Ramírez, P. Consultar, y en vimeo.

Van Asperen, M. Consultar

How to Cite
Tuozzo, M. V., & López, P. (2019). Moda y Arte. Campos en intersección. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (44), 123 a 134.