El binomio arte y moda: etapas de un proceso histórico

  • Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli
Keywords: Art; crafts; debate on the arts; Fashion; Haute Couture; Made in Italy


In the Middle Ages the term arts referred to the guilds which gathered the same
activities, such as tailors, considered artisans but dedicated especially to beauty. In the sixteenth
century there was a debate on the arts, that led to a loss of prestige of minor arts, including the
guild of tailors. However, in the following century, they reached a dignified recognition due to
the revaluation of all trades during the culture of the Enlightenment. In the nineteenth century,
with haute couture, tailors were recognized as artists who collaborated with other artists. During
the twentieth century collaboration between artists and clothing creators increased. The Made
in Italy has helped the country to surpass the national crisis due to the relationship between fashion, art and its extraordinary productive tradition. Today, fashion, may have an answer to the
question of what art it is from an anti-elitist perspective and the idea that the art of fashion and
in fashion is to capture knowledge and develop more current questions beyond present time.


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How to Cite
Giuseppina Muzzarelli, M. (2019). El binomio arte y moda: etapas de un proceso histórico. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (44), 141 a 147. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.v44i44.1589