La moda como forma de valorización de las series de televisión

  • Antonella Mascio
Keywords: audience; Fashion; fashion brands; narrative context; TV series


The article focuses on the relationship and exchanges between the field of media
and fashion world. While fashion has always enjoyed a close relationship with media, its role in
audiovisual products –and particularly in TV series– seems to have changed recently. Current
evolution mainly refers to a change in the textual component: the limits are more faded and
related to the real world. In this new context, the dressing issue is not just about functionality
related to clothing: the whole universe-fashion is increasingly in the story, appearing on the
scene as the object of narration itself.


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How to Cite
Mascio, A. (2019). La moda como forma de valorización de las series de televisión. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (44), 185 a 195.