Música: Arte

  • Francisco Ali-Brouchoud
Keywords: Art; artistic vanguards; culture; curatorial work; modernity/ modern age; museums; music; sound art technology


From the moment when the artistic vanguards appeared in the 20th Century, different arts -considered until
then as different disciplines-, have become new formats emerging from hybridizations, blends and interaction of diverse formats. These integrate images and sounds and thus exceed the sheer addition of their
elements to give place to a field of inter-relationships or intermedia. The outburst of limits and the own
audiovisual condition of some works constitute itself into an appeal to the art museum as an institution, and
to include within its task the music and the sound’s art as relevant formats and necessary inclusions in their
Why should a contemporary art museum be interested in including within its program a series of present
day music? The text goes through this and gives basis to answers taking as a parameter the experience
performed at the series Otras Músicas (Other Musics), at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de la UNaM


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How to Cite
Ali-Brouchoud, F. (2019). Música: Arte. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (20), 15 a 20. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi20.1597