Arte, ciencia y tecnología Vínculos y desarrollo en Argentina

  • Rodrigo Alonso
Keywords: Art; art video; computers; conceptual; digital art; expanded cinema; installation; kinetic art; machine science; sensorial; technology


The relationship between arts, science and technology has a broad history.
After the Second Industrial Revolution, those fields were associated to economic and social progress, but in
the area of artists and intellectuals they would also embody aesthetic and utopian ideals. The artistic
vanguards of the 20th Century found in technology not only a tool for political and social change but also
a means for a complete transformation of art and people.
By the ‘60s, technological art was boosted. Its understanding is no longer utopian, but analytical and
conceptual. Artists are looking in it new ways to get near the world, without the need to change it.
The coming of video and –later on- computers boosts enormously the production, creating their own
circuits. Images expand towards the space, audiovisual productions explore new narratives. Digitalization
introduces novel possibilities for creation, manipulation and transformation of new or preexistent realities.


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How to Cite
Alonso, R. (2019). Arte, ciencia y tecnología Vínculos y desarrollo en Argentina. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (20), 21 a 34.