Las artes mediáticas interactivas corroen el alma

  • Jorge La Ferla
Keywords: Art; art curatorial work; audiovisual; culture; cultural administration; cultural policies; digital art experimental art; mass media; technology


This essay reveals the different alternatives and problems of art nowadays, especially as regards those trends
with a strong technological presence, from the video art to digital manifestations. From the perspective of
the analysis of circulation and legitimating of works and artists in well known festivals, biennial exhibitions
and international contests, reflections is made on the grounds of cultural policies as areas in crisis on behalf
of the big changes going on in the so called public space. The text proposes a critic view of the dominant
economic and political factors and their relationship with technological issues. Within this context, it
establishes a link between production and insertion of the most recent art manifestations into the cultural
framework and discusses on the fields of art and the role in the social context of the cultural administration
and curatorial work.


-Bergala, Alain (1985) De la singularité, París: Cahiers du Cinéma.

-Flusser, Vilèm (2002) La guerra y el estado de las cosas. (Der Krieg und der Stan der Dinge), Filosofía del Diseño. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.

-Frieling, Rudolf; Daniels, Dieter. (2002) Medien Kunst Interaktion. Viena: Goethe Institut, ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Mediendtechnologie, Springer.

-Günther, Ingo (1989) Kunstforum.

-Machado, Arlindo (org) (2003) Made in Brazil, Tres décadas de video brasileiro. SanPablo: Itaúcultural.

-Santaella, Lucía (2003) Revista Cybercultura, San Pablo: Centro Cultural del Banco Itaú.

How to Cite
La Ferla, J. (2019). Las artes mediáticas interactivas corroen el alma. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (20), 49 a 53.