Perpendicularidad entre el arte sonoro y la música

  • Juan Reyes
Keywords: Art; culture; music; music interpretation; plastic arts; sound; sound art; technology; vanguards


It is fundamental to understand the intersection or the differences between music and sound art, because
though both “tasks” are related by the acoustic phenomenon. Music is a language that evolves together
with culture and society; it has its own characteristics and a high level of abstraction, as a result of the
development of a particular grammar with a few preconceived or physical referents which have been
generated by composers, interpreters and musicologists. Music is abstract and a means which survives on its
own. Sound art is a trade expressed through the artistic creation, out of a matter which cannot be seen but
listened and which is the result of the acoustic phenomenon and of sound, as basic elements for its
constitution. While in music we talk about semantics of melody, harmony, orchestration and counterpoint,
in sound art the scope of a sound is pursued, the spatial intervention with the wave diffusion, the disposition of sound sources together with many other spectral qualities which are attached thus making an
artistic work.


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-Kahn, Douglas. (Ed.) (1994). Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio, and the Avant-Garde. Cambridge. MIT Press.

-Lévi-Strauss, Claude. (1969). The Raw and the Cooked. New York: Harper and Row.

-Chion, Michel. (1994). Audio-Vision. New York: Columbia University Press.

-Morris, A. K. (Ed.)(1998). Sound States: Innovative Poetics and Acoustical Technologies. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

-Moten, Fred. (1998). Sound in Florescence. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. (p. 213-234.)

-Pierce, John R. (1980). An Introduction to Information Theory, Symbols, Signals and Noise. Nueva York: Dover.

-Reyes, Juan (2004). Momentos de intersección: Reflexiones sobre música y plástica. Madrid: Arte y Contexto.

-Russolo, Luigi (1998) El arte de los ruidos. Cuenca: Centro de Creación Experimental.

How to Cite
Reyes, J. (2019). Perpendicularidad entre el arte sonoro y la música. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (20), 57 a 62.