Visiones de la violencia en el cine urbano latinoamericano

  • Geoffrey Kantaris
Keywords: Constructive; disruptive; dislocate forces; geometry of power; global capitalism; reflexive models; systemic violence; urban cinematography


This article investigate/analizes the links between the significant rise in the production of urban cinema in
Latin America and the situation called geometry of power in the global capitalism. I maintain that the
representations of violence in that kind of film production are at some level, signs of the systematic
violence, although concealed. The reflexive models of media (mass) representation are forced to declare
that Latin American films are in a one indeterminate relation between constitutive and disruptive with the
dislocated might of globalization and desterritorialization. These arguments are illustrated with some
examples of the urban films from Columbia, Mexico and Argentine.


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How to Cite
Kantaris, G. (2019). Visiones de la violencia en el cine urbano latinoamericano. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (18), 27-37.