Memoria y experimentación en el cine argentino contemporáneo

  • Joanna Page
Keywords: Deviation; dispositive; dictatorship; genocide; genre; image; political action; reaction; society; structure


This article analyses two Argentine films which are among the most innovative of recent years, both in
aesthetic terms and in their potential to open up new spaces for cultural and political debate. In Los rubios
(Albertina Carri, 2003) and Potestad (Luis César DAngiolillo, 2003), the deliberate subversion of conventional cinematographic processes is key to their exploration of the crisis of memory, identity and representation in contemporary Argentina. The article draws on a variety of cultural and film theories in its investigation of the complex relationship traced by these films between cinema and politics, and to assess the
importance of the contribution they make to contemporary debates on memory.


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How to Cite
Page, J. (2019). Memoria y experimentación en el cine argentino contemporáneo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (18), 47-57.