El desafío de pensar. Creación - recreación

  • Débora Irina Belmes
Keywords: creation; challenge; modernity; paradigm; recreation; security; subject; uncertainty


The work try to broad the thematic of creativity starting from the theoretical emptiness- and also opportunity- generated due to the lost of security, stability and strengthen that the modern paradigm gave for the
building of theories that would aloud to apprehend reality. Analysis some lines which nowadays have
been presented as the notion of time and space which have been bent, while complexity and uncertainty
have infiltrated. These perspectives we can think which opportunities are enabled these days. What
happens with the construction of knowledge if the subject is another? Space has changed. The world has
globalise but the individual finds itself even more isolated. The problematic raises when we assist creation/
recreation as only repetition, reproduction on the construction itself, or the creation and recreation as an
opportunity of the same complexity, from its difference, allowing us


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How to Cite
Belmes, D. I. (2019). El desafío de pensar. Creación - recreación. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (16), 21 a 31. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi16.1611