Diseño de políticas culturales

  • Marcela Andino
Keywords: cultural policies; management; simbolic features; consumption


Before analyzing the processes of project management, we have to explore
What is the concept of culture from which we work? What are the dimensions of the
cultural sphere? These ideas are part of the reflections that define the set of values and wills
to development and realization in action. In this article, we address the management and
the design of sustainable cultural projects with a long term vision, defined as a collective,
shared and transformative tool that realizes our identity.


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How to Cite
Andino, M. (2019). Diseño de políticas culturales. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (51), 25 a 30. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi51.1641