De la totalidad a la complejidad

  • Alicia Entel


The making of the true constitutes the axis of an analysis that refers to a construction of a transcendent totalizer conception. The author places in the history the human reality. Since Edgar Morins though, she rescues the idea of complexity as a self-organized system that gives, through the way from complexity to complexity, the final arrival to a reflexive person to find its basis. The complexity would give a better opening to the link to see/ to know, it would also be the expansion of a coherent thinking with the critic of the epoch. Finally, this change of theoretical direction would let, along with the accumulated learning in the memory, not only to prevent hecatombs, but also to avoid them.


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How to Cite
Entel, A. (2019). De la totalidad a la complejidad. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (15), 35 a 41.