De las incertezas al tiempo subjetivo

  • Claudia López Neglia


The searching of the subjective position place, constitutes the nucleus that questions on the education
in the field of the communication and the value of the language in the subject construction. Themes like the desertion of certainties, the support of thinking about the making and the making of the thinking, the dismemberment of the art, the science, the ethic and the apparition of a new narcissism wound that makes present the absence of emancipation and equality, organizes an stay in the dilemmatic vision of the reality. From an optic that marks the barriers for the elections of the subject, and exalts to the writing as a
constitutive practice that can evade the rules of the rhetoric, the author make a revelation about the new cultural models of youth based on the individualism. She focalizes the ways that make it possible to establish links of transference for the construction of a new connection, proposing to the language, the
nomination, the interpretation of signs, as an opportunity for producing a reality, from a symbolic dimension, which is able to make a cohesion and to relate in a better way the social group.


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How to Cite
López Neglia, C. (2019). De las incertezas al tiempo subjetivo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (15), 51 a 58.