Entre el déficit temático y el advenimiento del guionista compatible

  • Fabián Iriarte
Keywords: Advanced script workshop; alternate reality game; compatible screenwriter; connotative function; digital interactive; secret code; universal self


The work analyzes the paradoxical differences between the classical trade of the screenwriter and his relation with
the new paradigms, installed by the effective transit of the technology advance. Readers, Coverage and Deals are
concerning fields to the thematic and conceptual development, omitted in our ambient and perceived as fundamental for the interpretation of new interactive paths, whose inescapable protagonist is the compatible screenwriter.


-Tales from the Digital Frontier: Breakthroughs in Storytelling by Carolyn Handler Miller. Writerstore, Febrero 2004.

-Secrets of Blockbuster Movies - Part IV - Deep Structure by John Truby. Writerstore, Enero 2002.

-Revista TV & Video, Diciembre 2004.

-La Nación, Espectáculos, Febrero 2004.

-Abcguionistas Entrevistas, edición digital, 2004-01-28

How to Cite
Iriarte, F. (2019). Entre el déficit temático y el advenimiento del guionista compatible. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (23), 23 a 31. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi23.1665