Diseño paramétrico. El gran desafío del siglo XXI

  • Sandra Navarrete
Keywords: intelligent design; materiality; parametric design; project planning; responsive design


We are used to respond to the new design concept models emerging from the paradigm shifts of theorists and critics of international epistemological references. Parametric design is presented in a different situation. Complementarity with other disciplines (eminently technological based), has created a new way of designing, attending to the process and its many variations, but with little theoretical argument. It attends many meetings where this issue falls into a formal ecstasy that seems not to need further explanation. But, since the design is at the service of society (not self-referential art), arises the urgent need to find conceptual support to this new form of praxis.


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Descartes, R. (1974). Discurso del Método. España: Ed. Bruguera.

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Tedeschi, A. (2010). Architettura parametrica: introduzione a Grasshopper. Potenza: Le Penseur.

How to Cite
Navarrete, S. (2019). Diseño paramétrico. El gran desafío del siglo XXI. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (49), 63 a 72. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.v49i49.1706

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