Comunicación: lobby y asuntos públicos

  • Enrique Correa Ríos
Keywords: Comunication people; corporate communication; institutional communication; Lobby; organizational communication; public; public affaires; public government; public policies; public relations; strategic communication


In the present article the author reflects about lobby, its evolution and its professional exercise, deepening about his status in the world and specifically in Latin America. Simultaneously, he defines lobby activities as a professional work framed into the wider scenario of strategic communications, which is oriented to establish harmonic relations of long term between public decision makers and the private economy sector. He refers the application of a varied range of diagnosis techniques, construction of scenarios, identification of messages, design of profiles of actors who correspond to the influence of the professional of communications and public relations people. The author identify experts in communication like facilitators in making compatible public and private interest, since their knowledge about market and
public policies, contribute to the construction of bridges between worlds of logics and often distant cultures.


Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas (2006). Libro Verde Iniciativa Europea a Favor de la Transparencia. Introducción, p.1. Link:

República de Chile, Congreso Nacional, Nº Boletín 6189-06, Proyecto de Ley que regula el lobby, Texto aprobado por la Cámara de Diputados, Artículo 15.

How to Cite
Correa Ríos, E. (2019). Comunicación: lobby y asuntos públicos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (33), 101 a 110.