Brand PR: Comunicaciones de marca

  • Damián Martínez Lahitou
Keywords: advertising campaigns; brand; Brand Communications; Brand PR; communication management; communicators; Corporate Communications; Corporate Image; Corporate Reputation; Dircom; Marketing; mass media; new technologies; public; Public Relations; social media; stakeholders


The article makes a reflection about Brand PR and how public relations can contribute to establish an emotional connection between brands and consumers. In this sense, a change in the markets is delineated in which a new communication paradigm is built that fosters to establish those connections in a significant, valuable and lasting way. In addition, new consumers, new technologies and new ideas imply a deeper and more complex knowledge. A challenging and confused scenario with many new elements that have to connect to each other. And a new role and skills for the public relations that today goes through an historical redefinition, revaluing itself by its synchronous amplifying capacity: the capacity to amplify the effort of brands simultaneously to other marketing communications.


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Sealey, P. (1993). Presentación de la campaña Always Coca Cola. Conferencia de prensa.

How to Cite
Martínez Lahitou, D. (2019). Brand PR: Comunicaciones de marca. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (35), 23 a 30.