La gestión de las PR a través de Twitter

  • Manuel Montaner Rodríguez
Keywords: brand; communication people; Corporate Communications; corporate reputation; digital communication; Dircom; external public; Institutional Communication; internal public; management communication; Media Relations; new technologies; Public Relations; social media; stakeholders; Twitter


The new paradigms of communication propose to focus in the interpersonal dialogue as well as in markets that today are conversations. The opportunities offered by social media like Twitter are like layers that could be discovered while explored, increasing its utility as users and clients are thinking outside the box. In the present dynamics of organizations, and with the increase of the use of Internet and the social networks, a greater influence of certain type of management is arisen- the social management that deals with the construction of different spaces for interaction and reputation. The expertise in the management of this tool by students, professionals and executives of PR will contribute to design a community of participation that can get to be the most powerful in history.


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How to Cite
Montaner Rodríguez, M. (2019). La gestión de las PR a través de Twitter. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (35), 31 a 42.