Avanza la tecnología, ¡que se salve el contenido!

  • Orlando Daniel Di Pino
Keywords: brands; Communication people; Corporate Communication; corporate reputation; digital communication; Dircom; Institutional Communication; new technologies ; public; Public Relations; social media; social networks


In this article the author reflects about the relation of the advance of technology and the quality of contents, and in how this hits in the communicational management. The author speaks about the 2010 man, called Cyborg - half physical, half connected- that moves alternatively like emitter, receiver, noise and decoder, almost like an acrobat who plays diverse roles in a virtual scene that simultneously, is real. It refers to the technology turned into commodity, and analyzes his relation with the content of corporate/personal speech, in a show window in which the companies are exhibited in 360º where no longer there is space for the low profile. Finally, it emphasizes in the necessity to work in depth in the elaboration of speeches that allow to glimpse to a person/institution, since the message is the constituent identity made sign; whereas the image and the word are the visible DNA.


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How to Cite
Di Pino, O. D. (2019). Avanza la tecnología, ¡que se salve el contenido!. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (35), 43 a 51. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi35.1725