El desarrollo sustentable en Brasil: cultura, medio ambiente y diseño

  • Fabio Parode
  • Ione Bentz
Keywords: culture; design; social mobility; sustainability; sustainable development


Despite the remarkable economic and social development of Brazil in the recent years, best environmental policy definitions that should pattern its sustainable development are still missing. In this context, the design assumes its role in the development of concepts and actions, not only with the intention of producing the material and existential conditions that could shape new ethical and aesthetic values. The aim of this paper is to critically explore the world of sustainable development in Brazil, its parameters and possibilities, theorizing about contemporary society emergencies and proposing broad parameters of a consistent sustainable future, to realize the design projects.


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How to Cite
Parode, F., & Bentz, I. (2019). El desarrollo sustentable en Brasil: cultura, medio ambiente y diseño. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (49), 209 a 217. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.v49i49.1731