Política 2.0 y la comunicación en tiempos modernos

  • Lucas Lanza
  • Natalia Fidel
Keywords: 2.0 policy; Communication people; communications director; corporate communication; digital communication; government public; institutional communication; new technologies; organizational communication; Political communication; public; public policies; Public Relations; social media; social networks; strategic communication; Twitter


This article analyzes how new media - like Internet and social networks have changed the ecosystem of political information, with new channels and information flowing with greater rapidity, with a consumer who is also generating of the news: the new prosumer. The convergence between traditional and new media, demand new mental capabilities on behalf of the users. And new skills on the part of the political candidates, who need to intervene with segmented messages and capacity to administer the  conversation. Also, emblematic cases are analyzed, like Barack Obama´s campaign as an icon of political communication 2.0, and different scenarios are described and contextualised, according to data of the Permanent Observatory of Politics 2.0 of the Institute of Politics & Democracy of the Society of the Information for the Americas (eamericas.org).


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How to Cite
Lanza, L., & Fidel, N. (2019). Política 2.0 y la comunicación en tiempos modernos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (35), 53 a 63. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi35.1732