Los públicos de las comunicaciones financieras. Investor relations & financial communications

  • Daniel Néstor Yasky
Keywords: Corporate communications; corporate reputation; Dircom; external public; Financial Communications; financial community; financial public; institutional communication; internal public; Investor Relations; management communication; mass media; Public Relations; stock market


The role of Public Relations in the management of financial communications has been outstanding through the last years. The requirements of a greater access to information, transparency and corporate government create today significant challenges for all those companies that are players in the stock market, as well as of companies without official quote. The art of communicate in these spheres, requires the specialization of the professionals to reach the public adapted with the use of the pertinent tools at the opportune moment, transmitting strategically the message to the community. For this, it is necessary to recognize the outstanding actors of this scope - like international financial agents, stock markets, analysts, mass media, banks, public institutions, parliament, employees- and the interchange that takes place between the company and its investors.


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How to Cite
Néstor Yasky, D. (2019). Los públicos de las comunicaciones financieras. Investor relations & financial communications. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (35), 65 a 83. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi35.1733