La ética en las Relaciones Públicas

  • Gabriel Pablo Stortini
Keywords: communication people; Corporate communications; corporate reputation; Dircom; ethics; institutional communication; management communication; Public Relations ; spokesperson


In this article the author reflects about entailment of ethics and public relations, reviewing the discussion on the role of ethics within the profession. This subject, that has been intensively discussed, implies several variables like present legislation, the norms that rules the daily activity of communicators and the philosophical direction of the person who exerts the profession. The author analyzes that public relations people often must apply their own perspective to judge whether actions to generate bonds and to create relations between the organization and her public ‘are right or not’, having to announce the benefits and damages of their activities of communication.


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How to Cite
Stortini, G. P. (2019). La ética en las Relaciones Públicas. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (35), 117 a 127.