La duchampizzación del arte

  • Gustavo Kortsartz
Keywords: Art; Duchamp; exhibition; museum; reality show


Today more than ever, art grazes our daily life and more than ever we find it extremely diffcult to approach the matter. The problem concerns not only to the occasional public who in a voluntary or an accidental way face a work, but to those that actively participate in the creation and diffusion of said work are immersed in the controversy and they reach to the point of changing the axis of the question and to ask themselves not only about what is art but when there is art. Obviously, none of those questions will be answered in this text that shows briefly, but with precise examples, the complexity of the situation.


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How to Cite
Kortsartz, G. (2019). La duchampizzación del arte. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, 41(41), 137 a 152.