La intención de Diseño. El caso del Artilugio Chilote

  • Paola de la Sotta Lazzerini
  • Osvaldo Muñoz Peralta
Keywords: basketry; Chiloé; design intent; design process; gadget; identity; intuition - master of gadgets; project; quilineja; tradition; wood culture


The present work is an investigation on the big island of Chiloé in the south of Chile. Is a reflection on the design intent in the fabrication of the Artilugio Chilote, through the notion of project and process. This is divided into two parts: the land and lifting devices through whom they carry out and design experience allows us to transform us into bearers of oral tradition. Under the watchful criticism, academic concepts of form and its corresponding function dialogue with the material, allow us to fully understand its use, its function and therefore, its construction and appearance.


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How to Cite
de la Sotta Lazzerini, P., & Muñoz Peralta, O. (2019). La intención de Diseño. El caso del Artilugio Chilote. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (47), 89 a 106.

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