Arte y nuevas tecnologías, lo experimental en el bioarte

  • Gisela Massara
Keywords: artist; bio-art; body; cultural; science; socio-biological; unit


Art and new technologies have opened countless debates on ethical and aesthetic issues. They have produced countless reflections on the sociobiological implications of the relationship between art and science. The bio-art is an art that involves scientific and technological aspects. Techniques and procedures used in the biological sciences live on organic material such as bacteria, cells or plants. The end is artistic. The provocation, controversy and discussion were introduced from the first registered in the bio-art works. He himself has continued to cause stupor, contradictions, fans and detractors. Artists wield their defense highlighting the value of establishing a public questioning of the use of science and genetic manipulation. Biology has allowed the artist to explore various ways that have redefined their work and the artist’s role in the history of art. From organic material, the artist begins a process of creation. There is a mise en scène of the body, but not as a unit but as a scened defragmented body, which will become part of another, like a patchwork, where these modules will configure a new unit. These fragments appear as found objects, in which the artist as an alchemist, mutates, transforms and joins them creating a new corporeality, with its own symbolism.


Breton, D. L. (2010). Antropología del cuerpo y modernidad (1ª ed.). Buenos Aires: Nueva Vision.

Eco, U. (1998). Obra abierta. Barcelona: Planeta Agostini.

Hauser, J. (2005). Bio Art - Taxonomy of an etymological monster. Austria: Hatje Cantz.

Pico, J. (1998). Modernidad y Postmodernidad. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Wellmer, A. (1985). La dialectica de modernidad y postmodernidad. En P. Josep (Ed.), Modernidad y Postmodernidad (págs. 104-105). Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Fargas, J. (s.f.). Joaquín Fargas. Recuperado el 21 de Mayo de 2010, de

Kac, E. (s.f.). Kac. Recuperado el 07 de Mayo de 2010, de

Stelarc. (s.f.). Stelarc. Recuperado el 15 de Mayo de 2010, de

How to Cite
Massara, G. (2019). Arte y nuevas tecnologías, lo experimental en el bioarte. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (45), 27 a 37.