Redes sociales, lenguaje y tecnología Facebook. The 4th Estate Media?

  • Vanina Levato
Keywords: influence; information; media; power; social networks


Historically man has had the constant need to communicate with their peers, express their ideas, feelings, leaving ultimately footprint itself. Today we are witnessing a technological revolution that involves much more than the search for increasingly satisfying communication links. So is that advances in communication processes linked to technological developments allow us to talk about Information Technology and Communication of networks, marked by the interaction that is, without doubt, one of their defining characteristics. The New Technologies of Information and Communication conquer mediated space where the written word reaches again a starring place, once occupied by audiovisual media. Among these technologies we observed a significant other phenomenon: Social Networks. They have earned a place in a giddy way turning in promising business for companies and especially in human meeting places. Internet concentrates a variety of technologies that power the exchange and collaboration between users, thus promoting an increasing number and variety.


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How to Cite
Levato, V. (2019). Redes sociales, lenguaje y tecnología Facebook. The 4th Estate Media?. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (45), 65 a 77.