La literatura en su época de reproductibilidad digital

  • Noelia Rivero
Keywords: copyright; free software; intellectual property; Internet; Literature; publishing


The article is intended to relieve the impact of the Internet in the publishing industry, understanding the technological phenomenon as constitutive of social, anthropological and ideological changes. Specifically, these changes in communication activities, exchange of experiences, interaction, entertainment and business generates a subculture or “cyberculture” that emerges with modes and behaviors that make certain tension with the legal, ethical and business models created in the twentieth century. The publishing industry is in a time of migration and dynamic model, developing exchange systems that preserve literary quality in the virtual society. But at the same time, ease of copying, digital distribution, the “collective intelligence” phenomena, the revaluation of the word “share” in the underworld of Internet
questions the very foundations of the commercial quality of artistic works and the access to knowledge becomes a new source of comprehensive claims.


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How to Cite
Rivero, N. (2019). La literatura en su época de reproductibilidad digital. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (45), 91 a 101.