Nostalgia Cinematográfica

  • Laura Mastantuono
Keywords: Audiovisual communication ; image and sound design ; analog film ; film ; digital ; revisionism ; culture ; discourse and form ; found footage ; archives ; restoration ; audiovisual tools ; Identity and nationalism


Globally, the social and cultural spheres are going through a crisis that involves a multiplicity of variables. In the face of social instability and the continuous modification of the tools for the production of contents from the different cultural areas, we observe a nostalgic look at the realization and a certain tendency towards historical revisionism. In audiovisual design and communication, discursive and formal instability give rise to an artistic search for analogue and studies on the importance of the audiovisual archive and found footage; axiomatically this criterion is understood as a safe action on the known, and an attempt to objectively understand the past.


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How to Cite
Mastantuono, L. (2020). Nostalgia Cinematográfica. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (78).