El fuego (in)extinguible Imagen y Revolución en Georges Didi Huberman y Joao Moreira Salles

  • Sebastián Russo
Keywords: Insurrection ; Image ; Didi Huberman ; Moreira Salles


How to represent an insurrection? Not only how to represent it but also how to tell it? To show the insurrection of a picture, to express its rebellious power, is forcing it to say what does not be seen at a first sight. A first glance preconfigured at the manufacture table of the culture industry. It is to deploy it. Open it to its past and to its future. Open to contemporary, formal, survivor relationships without unloading its power. We will work on two contemporary forms of expressing the insurrection images: The exhibition “Soulèvements” curated by Georges Didi Huberman and the film “In the intense now” by João Moreira Salles.


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How to Cite
Russo, S. (2020). El fuego (in)extinguible Imagen y Revolución en Georges Didi Huberman y Joao Moreira Salles. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (79). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi79.3686