El yo desnudo. La puesta en escena del yo en la obra de Liliana Maresca

  • Valeria Stefanini
Keywords: Liliana Maresca ; Contemporary Art ; Semiotics ; Body ; Photography, art argentino


This text think about two works of the Argentinian artist Liliana Maresca: called “Available space” and “Maresca offers all destinations” and tries to establish the lines that connect the two samples. It will also observe how complementary are each other and to establish a dialogue with the viewer generating own reflection and suggest another. The two chosen works will be designed from theoretical frameworks of semiology and the analysis of the discourse in order to cover their complexity.

It enquires also about the role of the artist in the local environment, the use of the body and its staging and the links that the artist kept with institutions and the market.


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How to Cite
Stefanini, V. (2020). El yo desnudo. La puesta en escena del yo en la obra de Liliana Maresca. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (79). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi79.3689