Los caminos del Diseño Sustentable y sus vinculaciones con la investigación en diseño

  • Silvia Stivale
Keywords: D4S ; Product system ; ACV ; Management ; Social responsibility


What do we research in sustainable design? The vision of sustainable design is the result of a context that challenges the responsibility that concerns us in the care of the environment and that has been first questioned from the social rather than the scientific field. This conception incorporates ethical and sociocultural considerations, including proposing collaborative actions in the design processes or enabling solutions that are not yet clearly articulated. It implies the vision of influencing not only products and processes but also power relations and production structures.

It is clear that the problem areas that include design for the environment are not specific to a particular discipline, but encompass the interests of graphic designers, industrial designers, architects, urban planners and that the boundaries of concerns have been erased depending on a collaborative work.


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How to Cite
Stivale, S. (2020). Los caminos del Diseño Sustentable y sus vinculaciones con la investigación en diseño. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (80). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi80.3696