Diseño Andrógino: Charles Rennie Mackintosh

  • Roberto Céspedes
Keywords: Arts and Krafts ; Art Noveau ; Mackintosh ; Hill house ; opposing pairs ; complementary pairs ; morphology ; formal coherence ; androgynous morphology


Mackintosh and the group ‘four of Glasgow’, design spaces and objects that cast doubt about the needs of coherence in morphological taxonomies as an expression of the self-referentiality of productions. The designs emerged from the Arts and Krafts to the Art Noveau, although they do not follow the categorizations foreseen for the pregnancy of constructions, these are pregnant by contradiction, opening a space for less gender-regulated images or perceptions and propose solutions around pairs less dialectical but more complementary. The Eastern and Gothic influence of the Scottish area at that century seems to weigh on the formal decisions of the time, at least in these authors.


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How to Cite
Céspedes, R. (2020). Diseño Andrógino: Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (81). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi81.3706