El Diseño como objeto de estudio y como ejercicio de intervención
Different visions have been generated about design research in the last twodecades, they are preceded by a formal register of the systematization of design thinkingand its study as a knowledge generating activity in the second half of the 20th century.This text presents some points of view that can be divided into theoretical research (practice, criticism, identity), practice (where objects are in themselves products that embodyknowledge) or theoretical / practical (through the design activity studing the particularities of the intervention); but also others that base design research in the study of the users,products or processes. This involves discussions about research into, through or for design, and initiatives that propose endogenous and exogenous research. This paper showsthat despite the diversity of typologies on design research, can be distinguished two majoroptions: Research on the designed objects and their impact on the world and research todesign, which allows the processes and design processes. In the first case, the design is theobject of study, research generates descriptions, discussions and ways of understandingthe created object, also what is expected from the design and the impact it has on theworld. In the case of research for design, it is a process where knowledge is applied but itis also expected to occur or contrast through project practice, design as a source of changefrom one situation to another, as an exercise of intervention. Finally, the work presentssome examples of these two great aspects that embrace the efforts to define the scope ofdesign research.
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