Reinterpretación del jardín japonés en el paisaje occidental del Siglo XX a través de tres paisajistas: James Rose, Isamu Noguchi y Peter Walker

  • Margarita Kwon
Keywords: japanese gardens; spatial continuity; abstration; orthogonality; minimalism; contemplation


Abstract: The present report analyzes the influence of Japanese garden concepts in the 20th century´s landscape which breakes with the axial guidelines imposed by the European classicist academy. For this, the works of three landscapers will be studied in depth: James Rose, adept at Zen Buddhism, pioneered the modern American landscape. His approach to Japanese culture and philosophy allowed him to interact directly and spontaneously with nature. Isamu Noguchi, with his cultural baggage, allowed himself to change the criteria of the gardens of his ancestors and developed a sculptural micro-landscape in the middle of the urban center. Peter Walker, was influenced by minimal art as well as the japanese geometriacal gardens. It can be seen the juxtaposed geometry with nature. It is the Japanese garden where these landscapers can explore and extract ideas with which they manage to give a new and almost spiritual turn to the western landscape.


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How to Cite
Kwon, M. (2020). Reinterpretación del jardín japonés en el paisaje occidental del Siglo XX a través de tres paisajistas: James Rose, Isamu Noguchi y Peter Walker . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (82).