O idoso, sua casa e suas coisas:contribuições para criação de um entorno mais acolhedor para os maiores de 60 anos

  • Marília Ceccon Salarini da Rosa
Keywords: Aging; Social Design; Architecture


In Brazil, we experience the unprecedented phenomenon of population aging and longevity. In less than a decade the number of the eldery will exceed the Young, with this new reality also arise new behaviors, desires and demands. The purpose of this article is to provide information about the relationship of affection of the elderly with their home and their objects, and to provide subsidies for the construction of an environment more suitable for those who are aging. This article is structured in 5 sections that present: (1) the demographic panorama and the tendencies of the household arrangements of the elderly in Brazil; (2) hypotheses brought from different areas about the relationship of the elderly with their homes, (3) reflections about the home and the artifacts as support of memory and identity; (4) the relation of the elderly with their houses and things according to results obtained in qualitative research. Finally, it is expected to provide an alert to professionals involved in the creation of environments, products and services that take into account the desires, aspirations and feelings of the elderly, especially regarding their preferences about housing. In this way, the article joins other studies that provide subsidies for those who want to develop products, services and environments that meet the emotional demands of this population, providing them with a better quality of life.


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How to Cite
Ceccon Salarini da Rosa, M. (2020). O idoso, sua casa e suas coisas:contribuições para criação de um entorno mais acolhedor para os maiores de 60 anos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (83). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi83.3736