La Nobleza de Estado, algunas reflexiones a partir del trabajo de campo con elites educativas en la Argentina

  • Victoria Gessaghi
  • Alicia Méndez
Keywords: State nobility; Bourdieu; High class; Nacional Buenos Aires Colledge; meritocracy


The paper analyzes the reading conditions of Bourdieu’s book: The State Nobility in relation to two investigations that address the education of two privilege groups in Argentine society. We are interested in placing different accents to the text in question, by virtue of how some problems of the nobility resonate in the field work carried out in these investigations. Firstly, the article explores the reception that Bourdieu’s seminal work had in our field and highlights its main contributions for the study of elites in Argentina. Next, it describes the ways in which the “effect of dignity” granted by a title as conceptualized by Bourdieu in his work unfolds in our respective fields. Finally, the various ways in which, in the cases studied, capital is constructed, combined, reproduced; and the place elite schools occupies in that construction.


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How to Cite
Gessaghi , V., & Méndez, A. (2020). La Nobleza de Estado, algunas reflexiones a partir del trabajo de campo con elites educativas en la Argentina . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (88).